.....is to try very hard to keep the blog up dated. So as you can imagine we have LOADS to share since last October (yes that was our last post - shocking!!!) but we think the best way to do it is little and often in the hope we will keep to our resolution.....maybe!!
So lets start with bringing you bang up to date with news of our
and for those who live in Herts Beds Cambs or Bucks - or maybe even further afield,
Baldock does have some nice places to eat we have our
on 28th, 29th & 31st of January
Opening Times are 10am to 3pm on the above days.
So with Christmas well and truly behind us we guess that you must all be scraping your Christmas photos. We have put together a Christmas Kit which will appear in the shop soon. Meanwhile if you fancy one either leave a comment or email us.
We will be back soon. We have to aren't resolutions similar to law?!!! Just one more thing I am sure you are aware of all the FABULOUS sneak peaks of the amazing Winter CHA goodies that are being revealed - if you see something you MUST HAVE please let us know and we will do our VERY best